I recently did an author interview with Relationships Are Complicated, a relationship website that “explores and demystifies relationships, one topic at a time.” They have a huge collection of author interviews and therapist interviews up. Almost all of the author interviews are romance authors and there’s a broad range of topics and genres covered. Besides my own, you can check out interviews with KG MacGregor, Golden Angel, Delaney Diamond, and Glynnis Campbell to name just a few!

I “Tooned” myself just for the interview and there is a giant picture of my toon head at the top. Here’s another alternate “Toon Me.” They were fun to make.

Here’s a snippet from my interview and a link to it:

Please introduce yourself and your book(s)

I write historical romance from home while my four-year-old and two-year-old run around me (with help from my partner). In my past lives, I was a wedding photographer, a high school English teacher, and an academic / adjunct professor who specialized in medieval and Renaissance literature. I picked up my first romance book almost exactly one year ago when Bridgerton first came out. It was a little too explicit to watch around our toddler so I downloaded the first book onto the Kobo my husband had just gifted me for Christmas. I had sworn to never be an e-book reader. We lived in the Arctic at the time and I would pay hundreds of dollars a year to ship up paperbacks (which are now still mostly in the Arctic…) but the Kobo was a gamechanger. Reading that first Bridgerton book made me realize there was a genre I’d never explored and it seemed one that would be really fun to write in, so I took a leap!

I have six books out right now in two series. My first series is kind of my own personal fantasy as it follows four sisters—a la Pride and Prejudice, but all of these sisters are actually likeable!—something I wish I had. They each get their own romance quest, basically, but for me adventure and suspense are really crucial to a good story so almost all of them are love stories with a twist.