Between His Lover and the Deep Blue Sea by Merry Farmer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love on the High Steamy Sea

I keep mis-remembering the title of this book as “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” when it’s actually “Lover” not “Devil.” That said, Adam Seymour certainly does have a tempting, devilish side which pairs nicely with his angelic good looks! When the handsome young tutor falls head over heels for the older, rugged sailor Septimus he is persistence personified until he gets what he wants. And what he wants is, um, too explicit to describe in a review. This book is on the higher end of the steamy scale. Once Adam and Septimus give in to their attraction, they’re unstoppable in all ways–and very creative as well.

But Merry Farmer doesn’t leave it there. She adds a depth and a richness to the couple, showing Septimus’s struggle to accept the possibility of happiness outside of a career at sea. The love that blooms between them begins with the physical but leaves you in no doubt that they will have a strong and lasting, loving partnership.

If you like smoking hot M/m historical romance then this is a lovely, lighter read. This was my first Merry Farmer and boy, does she know how to write an excellent kissing scene!

There is drama but it’s not the heart-pounding kind–more like a lot of spicy sex mixed in with human conflicts on a smaller scale, which will reel you in without leaving you feeling too anxious about their outcome.

“Between His Lover” is the first of a brand new series which I assume will follow Septimus’s group of retired navy friends. I hope Barrett’s book is next as he was a very loveable secondary character!

Lastly, if you are a reader who likes to nitpick historicity, then I strongly recommend you open this book and flip straight to Merry Farmer’s fantastic “Author’s Note” at the back before you begin reading. Be assured that she has done her research.

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